The Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford University for International Students For 2021 encourages outstanding all-around students to apply and study in their dream university. The Rhodes scholarship was established back in 1902 by Cecil Rhodes’ legacy, and it is the world’s oldest and perhaps most renowned international scholarship program in the entire EU Scholarships.
Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford for International Students For 2021 – Details
Host Institution(s)
Oxford University in the UK
Level/Fields of study
Rhodes Scholars may pursue any full-time postgraduate degree at the University of Oxford, subject to certain limitations.
Number of Scholarships
Each year, a 95 Scholars are chosen.
Target group
Students from Australia, China, East Africa, Malaysia, Bermuda, Canada, Kenya, New Zealand, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, United Arab Emirates, Singapore, Hong Kong, India, South Africa (Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Swaziland), Syria, Jordan, Palestine and Libanon, United Arab Emirates (SJLP), United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates, United Arab Emirates.
You may apply for a bursary if you are a student not in one of the existing circles of Rhodes.
Scholarship value/inclusions/duration
All fees of University and College; a living stipend (£15,900 per annum 2019-20); the University application fee; a settling-in allowance (£225 in 2019-20); health insurance, visa; and two economy class flight tickets – to and from the United Kingdom – for the start and end of studies in Oxford are covered by a Rhodes Scholarship.
The scholarship has an essential two-year term, subject to acceptable academic achievement and personal behavior at all times.
Rhodes Scholarships at Oxford for International Students For 2021 – Eligibility
All candidates for Rhodes Scholarships must meet the following requirements:
- Citizenship and residence criteria: Each candidate must meet the Rhodes constituency’s citizenship and residency requirements. Please carefully review the comprehensive information available via the nation links.
- Age: Age restrictions vary per constituency and range from 18 to 28 by October 1 of the year after selection. The age limit in most constituencies is either 24 or 25. Before applying, please double-check your constituency’s particular age restrictions. Following the selection process, successful applicants will come to Oxford in October. Usually, the Scholarship cannot be postponed.
- Education: All candidates must have progressed far enough in their studies to ensure completion of a bachelor’s degree by the following October. Academic status must be adequate to guarantee entrance to the University of Oxford, which has challenging entry criteria, as well as to assure that Rhodes Scholars would do well academically in Oxford university. Individual constituencies may specify a 1st or equal. Some seats need an undergraduate degree earned in the constituency in which the application is being made.
Please check this page for country-specific qualifying criteria.
Instructions on how to apply:
All Scholarship applicants should read the information about the Scholarships on the country-specific website to learn about the application criteria, eligibility restrictions, and deadlines that apply to their country.
Rhodes Scholarship applications open in the spring and summer of the previous year, usually on the 1st of June or 1st of July. The deadline varies by nation, but it usually falls between July and October of the year before you want to study.
For more details on applying for the Rhodes Scholarship 2021, please read the how to use page and visit the official website (link provided below).
Official Scholarship Website: